Using K-means Cluster Analysis to Discover Hidden Patterns
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to
this article on our blog, in which we will dig into the fascinating realm of
k-means cluster analysis, a well-known unsupervised machine learning method.
The results of a cluster analysis may be used to divide the total number of
observations in a dataset into a number of distinct but related subsets, or
clusters, according to the degree to which they share characteristics across
many dimensions. We are able to find subgroups of observations that display
similar patterns of response on a set of clustering variables by doing a
k-means cluster analysis. This allows us to make more informed decisions.
Quantitative measures make up the vast majority of these variables; however,
binary variables may also be included.
Acquiring Knowledge of the K-means Clustering Method
K-means cluster analysis is a kind of unsupervised learning
that seeks to divide observations into separate clusters, with the expectation
that each observation will belong to exactly one cluster. The analysis begins
by randomly allocating each observation to one of the clusters. Next, the
clusters are repeatedly optimized to minimize the within-cluster sum of
squares, and finally, the analysis is complete. The number of clusters whose
location we want to determine is denoted by the letter "k" in the
term "k-means."
The Steps Involved
Bringing in the Necessary Library Packages
Importing the required libraries into our Python environment
is the first step in getting started. For the purpose of carrying out k-means
cluster analysis, we will be using scikit-learn, which is a well-known machine
learning toolkit. This library gives us access to the KMeans class.
The Dataset Is Being Loaded
Next, we need to load our dataset, which includes the
clustering variables and observations that will serve as the foundation for our
K-means Cluster Analysis Being Carried Out
We will make use of the KMeans class in order to determine
the subgroups of observations that exhibit response patterns that are
comparable to one another. After that, we fit the model to our data while
specifying the number of clusters that we want to build (k).
Extracting the Assignments to the Clusters
After we have finished the k-means cluster analysis, we will
be able to get the cluster assignments that correspond to each observation.
Each observation is given a label that specifies which cluster it falls under.
The process of analyzing and interpreting the results is as follows
It is now time to examine and make sense of what the
findings mean. You may obtain insight into the many subgroups that have been
discovered by the study by examining the features of each cluster. For example,
you might look at the mean values of the clustering variables. In addition, you
may improve your comprehension by visualizing the clusters by selecting the
relevant plots or graphs and putting them together.
Python Code
# Import the required libraries
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import numpy as np
# Load the dataset
X = np.array([[1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 0], [4, 2], [4, 4], [4,
# Create an instance of the KMeans class
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0)
# Fit the model to the data
# Extract the cluster assignments
cluster_assignments = kmeans.labels_
# Print the cluster assignments
print("Cluster assignments:",
k-means cluster analysis is an unsupervised approach of
machine learning that is used to find subgroups of observations that have
similar response patterns. In this blog article, we discussed the notion of
k-means cluster analysis. We were able to divide the dataset into a number of
separate groups by using the k-means cluster analysis. These groupings were
determined by the clustering variables. Keep in mind that you are not forced to
execute the cluster analysis on a test dataset unless you desire to do so. You
have the option to do so. You may skip the step of separating your dataset into
training and test sets if the number of observations in your dataset is not
very large. However, you must ensure that your written summary include an
explanation of the reasoning behind this choice.
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